Proyecto Enlaces

Los estudiantes de Flager hablando con los estudiantes de NGCSU

Bloopers! Los estudiantes haciendóle una broma a la profe!
The students playing a joke to Profe Sartain!

Here you will find the instructions for your online project "Enlaces". This week 8/31you will start your first composition. You will have to post your compositions under the Tribu you are on!
Follow the instructions to start your first composition:

“Todo sobre mi vida”
“All about my life”

Part I.
Write a composition about yourself using the vocabulary and grammar structures you are learning in class.  The composition will have three solid paragraphs that must include chapters one, two and three.  Each chapter will be a paragraph on your composition. This is a learning process, therefore, you should be adding and editing every step of the way!  You must write using complete sentences and the sentences must be logical, easy to understand and it must **flow between paragraphs.  REMEMBER: SPANISH ALSO USES: COMMAS [,], PERIODS [.], WE CAPITALIZE [A] and we include accents [á].

What does your composition need to include before the date? Here it is!
Due Date (9/7)

This will be your first solid paragraph:

1.     Introduce yourself   →    tell people who you are, How old you are and where you are
from. Describe your personality [funny, serious, talkative, tall, short, etc..]

 Example:     Me llamo + name
Mi Nombre es + name
Yo soy de + (place)
Yo soy+ 3 different adjectives (adjectives that describes you, look in page 89 for adjectives)

*The adjectives that end in “o” are for male and the adjectives that end in “a” are for female.

                           Yo tengo +age+años = I am ___ years old.
                                (write the number in words, ex. Yo tengo diecinueve años)

2. About your school                    What is your major (especialización), the classes you are taking
(use the verb estudiar”) on what days  and times, How many students are in your Spanish class,  include something about  your Spanish Professor.

Ex. Mi especialización es+major
Mi = my

Yo+estudiar(conjugate the verb for your pronoun)+clase +day+time

Hay (there is/are) +number+noun

Mi profesora de español+verb to be+adjective
Mi profesora de español+verb to wor+place

2.     Free Time                   What is your favorite T.V. program? At what time does it
                                           start? What activities you do for fun?

                  Ex.            Mi programa favorito+verb to be+program
                                    Mi programa favorito+verb to be+time
                                    Write 4 activities you like to do and four activities you don’t like to do. Look at page 52 in how to use “A mí me gusta”=I like

** Flow words in Spanish!
Entonces = then
Por otro lado = on the other hand
También = also
En primer lugar = first of all
En segundo lugar = second
En tercer lugar = third
Y = and
Mucho = a lot
Poco= little
Además = besides